Clinical Utilisation Review CQUIN 2016/17


Integral Health Solutions continues to lead the national Clinical Utilisation Review (CUR) Programme on behalf of NHS England Specialised Commissioning.  The recently published Carter Report identifies the significant challenges Trusts are facing caring for patients in the wrong clinical setting.  The report emphasises that a significant proportion of the £5bn savings cannot be unlocked unless delays in transfer of care are managed more effectively.  Achieving timely patient transfers to appropriate care settings is critical to patient flow along the care pathway.

The Carter Report emphasises the importance of greater collaboration and co-ordination of clinical services across the health economy.  The adoption of CUR will significantly impact on Recommendation 10 of the Carter Report, and make a positive contribution to the reduction in delayed transfers of care.   

CUR continues to be a key priority for 2016/17 with the launch of the new CQUIN that has a greater emphasis on benefits realisation.  Importantly the CUR CQUIN has been developed to support collaborative commissioning with CCGs and will appear on the CCG pick-list for 2016/17. 

To view a copy of our latest CUR newsletter please join our network were you will find a selection of resources.


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