Continuing Healthcare

“The number of people eligible for CHC funding is likely to increase due to demography, and the risks of not implementing CHC well are too great to ignore.” – NHS Confederation briefing

What do we mean by CHC?

In a recent report submitted by the 'National Audit Office' in July 2017 on behalf of the Department of Health and NHS England, it found amongst other conclusions:

  • The number of people receiving CHC funding is rising,
  • Funding of CHC is a significant cost pressure on CCG’s,
  • There is significant variation between CCG’s in both the number and proportion of people assessed as eligible for CHC,
  • There are limited assurance processes in place to ensure eligibility decisions are consistent both between and within CCG’s,
  • Current assessment processes for CHC funding raise people’s expectations about whether they will receive funding and don’t make best use of assessment staff,
  • In most cases, eligibility decisions should be made within 28 days but many people are waiting longer,
  • Decisions on eligibility for CHC have a significant financial impact on the individual, CCG and Local Authority.



How we can help you?


We have an intimate knowledge and an  excellent  track  record  of  providing  specialist  knowledge  and  support  across the full health and social care sector: including,  specialised and secure mental health (new care models), continuing healthcare,  specialised  commissioning,  technical contracting and financing, clinical services / pathways redesign.

As an example, our CHC  service  model  across  5  CCGs identified immediate opportunities for continuous improvement, streamlining and improving efficiency  of  CHC services and identified high-cost savings. We developed CHC Auguro in response to the challenges  CCGs face predicting financial risk, enabling them to commission value for money services to meet the needs of their local population.

We work with you to firstly understand the existing state, following which we can then design and deliver a patient-centered, service transformation programme.